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AIAA 4th GBM with Guest Speaker

October 16, 2019

AIAA hosts their 4th GBM with alumni and former vice-president of our very own AIAA's CSULB Student Branch, Francesca Rodriguez. She will be covering the cutting edge flight programs that Northrop had developed in recent year including the F-35. 

AIAA 3rd GBM with Guest Speaker

October 2, 2019

AIAA hosts their 3rd GBM with former engineer, Shadan Ardalan. Mr. Shardalan shares his experience at JPL and further insight during his time working on the Casini-Huygens mission to Saturn. He also presents his upbringing and tells stories of his life in a way that entertains,informs, amuses, and overall inspires those who are willing to listen.

AIAA @ The 8th Annual Mars Rover Update & Professional Society!

September 21, 2019

AIAA was formally invited to was formally invited to attend the 8th Annual Mars Rover Update & Professional Society Expo. We were able to meet and explain to visitors what  CSULB's AIAA Student Branch is all about at Northrop Grumman Space Park. We learned alot about the Mars 2020 Rover progression.

AIAA 2nd GBM with Guest Speaker

September 18, 2019

AIAA hosts their 2nd GBM with a first guest speaker of Fall 2019. We invited SpaceX's Principal Propulsion Engineer Andy Sadhwani. Sadhwani discussed his journey to becoming an engineer and provided professional hands on knowledge in regards to being a propulsion analyst. Even though he provided statistics and data analysis of his most recent successful project, the Starship Hopper, we were however unable to take photos due to privacy purposes. However, Andy did provided us with a fantastic photo of him standing behind the Falcon 9 representing CSULB's AIAA Student Branch!

​The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2023-2024

California State University, Long Beach Chapter

EN3 - 118

1250 Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA

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